miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017


Esto de contar versos es tonto,
Quien podría mantener el ritmo,
Contar cada línea de dulzura o de tristeza y desamor que se vive a cada segundo,
Esto de tratar de memorizar tus pasos sobre el parquet es estúpido,
El tiempo hace que los sentidos se hagan torpes,
Esto de contar tus pocos besos es una tortura autoimpuesta,
Pero puedes culparme por mantener el yugo después de tanto tiempo…
Si me besas como si fuese la primera vez cada mañana,
Y procurar re-descubrir cada lunar y peca sobre mi piel como trazando un mapa,
Siguiendo la brújula de mis suspiros, y mi respiración que a ratos se entrecorta,
Soy tuyo y lo sabes
Eres mío y lo sé…y eso me hace feliz,
Después de tantos años, seguimos siendo los mismos,
Dos tontos subidos en una montaña rusa de emociones,
Disfrutando cada curva, cada caída, cada subida estrepitosa,
Tomados de la mano, sintiendo el tiempo azotarnos las caras…
Después de tanto tiempo, seguimos juntos,

Gravitando en torno al otro…revoloteando como mariposas en primavera.

My bad thing

Today you asked me whether I loved you,
And how much love I needed every day…
Whether I needed it once a day, twice a day, three times a day,
And you begged me to answer…
Well, let me tell you this…I need all the love you can give,
I need all the man milk you can produce…
I need your crotch hitting hard like a wave till your legs feel about to break,
I need you at all time, sniffing, touching, kissing, and biting…why not?
I’ve always like it a little rough,
I need you pulling my hair, calling me bitch this, bitch that,
I need you spanking me ‘cause I’ve been naughty…
Though you haven’t seen anything yet.

Today you asked me whether I loved you,
And how much love I needed every day…
Whether I needed it once a day, twice a day, three times a day,
And you begged me to answer…
And I’ve almost forgot how much I loved to be touched,
And in absence of your hands, how much I love to touch me, insanely, twistedly…
How much allure there is in your skin covered with crystal pearls of sweat,
I’ve almost forgot that we fit perfectly like Lego pieces…
And how magic is to say I love you and be loved back,
I’ve almost forgot how easy is to deviate my worries from getting radioactive
How easy is to divert me from sadness to a complete state of bliss
With one kiss properly given…
(No need to tell you where you can start, do I?)
I’ve almost forgot how easy it is to set me in the mood for the kinkiest stuff…
I’ve almost forgot how much I love to lick the madness from your lips,
This pervy gene I was born with,
I’ve almost forgot how much I enjoy riding the night with moans and groans,
Grasping for air desperately…hugging each other afraid of losing a minute of passion,
Afraid of letting go, afraid of a morning full of duties and little fun.

Today you asked me whether I loved you,
And how much love I needed every day…
Whether I needed it once a day, twice a day, three times a day,
And you begged me to answer…
Well, I’ve almost forgot that I’m always peckish,
And I do need a little bit of loving every hour of the day,
They can call me insatiable, they can call me a slut, I don’t care…I really don’t care,
I’m not calling for a whole crew to deliver pleasure to this body,
I’m just demanding plenty of attention from the one I belong to,
His kisses, his hands, his very self…all for me in the greediest requests…love me…
Love me, fuck me tender, hard or in whatever speed you fancy, just do so,
You requested an answer…there it is…
So, what are you waiting for…get naked papi,

You’ve been my bad thing for almost 15 years…and you’ll be it for many, many more.

It's time

I've lived and loved, I've hugged and kissed, I've done my duty, I've paid my dues, I've erred and also made amendments,...